Sr. No | Unit No. | Exercise/Practical | Read |
1 | II | Installation and setup of java development kit(JDK),setup android SDK,setup eclipse IDE,setup android development tools (ADT) plugins,create android virtual device | Click Here |
2 | II | Create “Hello World” application. That will display “Hello World” in the middle of the screen using TextView Widget in the red color. | Click Here |
3 | III | Create application for demonstration of android activity life cycle | Click Here |
4 | III | Create Registration page to demonstration of Basic widgets available in android. | Click Here |
5 | III | Create sample application with login module.(Check username and password) On successful login, Chnage TextView “Login Sucessful”. And on failing login, alert user using Toast “Login fail” | Click Here |
6 | III | Create login application where you will have to validate usename and passwords Till the username and password is not validated, login button should remain disabled. | Click Here |
7 | III | Create and Login application as above. Validate login data and display Error to user using setError() method. | Click Here |
8 | III | Create an application for demonstration of Relative and Table Layout in android. | Click Here |
9 | | Create an application for demonstration of Scroll view in android. | Click Here |
10 | III | Create an application for demonstration of Explicitly Starting New Activity using Intent. | Click Here |
11 | III | Create an application that will pass two number using TextView to the next screen, and on the next screen display sum of that number. | Click Here |
12 | III | Create spinner with strings taken from resource folder (res >> value folder). On changing spinner value, change background of screen. | Click Here |
13 | IV | Create an application that will get the Text Entered in Edit Text and display that Text using toast (Message). | Click Here |
14 | IV | Create an application that will Demonstrate Button onClick() Event and change the TextView Color based on button Clicked | Click Here |
15 | V | Create an UI such that, one screen have list of all the types of cars. On selecting of any car name, next screen should show Car details like: name, launched date, company name | Click Here |
16 | V | Create an application that will Demonstrate Dialog Box Control In Android | Click Here |