3360704 (MCAD)

MCAD Syllabus

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MCAD Summer – 2015Download
MCAD Summer – 2016Download
MCAD Summer – 2017Download
MCAD Summer – 2018Download
MCAD Summer – 2019Download
MCAD Summer – 2020Download
MCAD Summer – 2021Download
MCAD Winter – 2015Download
MCAD Winter – 2016Download
MCAD Winter – 2017Download
MCAD Winter – 2018Download
MCAD Winter – 2019Download
MCAD Winter – 2020Download
MCAD Winter – 2021Download

MCAD Study Notes

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MCAD Assignment

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MCAD Practical List

Sr. NoUnit No.Exercise/PracticalRead
1IIInstallation and setup of java development kit(JDK),setup android SDK,setup eclipse IDE,setup android development tools (ADT) plugins,create android virtual deviceClick Here
2IICreate “Hello World” application. That will display “Hello World” in the middle of the screen using TextView Widget in the red color.Click Here
3IIICreate application for demonstration of android activity life cycleClick Here
4IIICreate Registration page to demonstration of Basic widgets available in android.Click Here
5IIICreate sample application with login module.(Check username and password) On successful login, Chnage TextView “Login Sucessful”. And on failing login, alert user using Toast “Login fail”Click Here
6IIICreate login application where you will have to validate usename and passwords Till the username and password is not validated, login button should remain disabled.Click Here
7IIICreate and Login application as above. Validate login data and display Error to user using setError() method.Click Here
8IIICreate an application for demonstration of Relative and Table Layout in android.Click Here
9 Create an application for demonstration of Scroll view in android.Click Here
10IIICreate an application for demonstration of Explicitly Starting New Activity using Intent.Click Here
11IIICreate an application that will pass two number using TextView to the next screen, and on the next screen display sum of that number.Click Here
12IIICreate spinner with strings taken from resource folder (res >> value folder). On changing spinner value, change background of screen.Click Here
13IVCreate an application that will get the Text Entered in Edit Text and display that Text using toast (Message).Click Here
14IVCreate an application that will Demonstrate Button onClick() Event and change the TextView Color based on button ClickedClick Here
15VCreate an UI such that, one screen have list of all the types of cars. On selecting of any car name, next screen should show Car details like: name, launched date, company nameClick Here
16VCreate an application that will Demonstrate Dialog Box Control In AndroidClick Here

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